Wednesday 18 June 2008


Does anyone really know
How the stuff that we call fluff
Gets in my belly-button?

It seems to gather in the day
And at night, while I'm away
Asleep, it makes its journey.

Such a sojourn shouldn't happen
Logic unravelled, fluff travelled
To my blow-hole.

Why does it gravitate?
And will it just once abate?
I have sat and sat to fathom.

Some people think me rude
But I do not watch my crotch,
I'm just gazing at my navel.

So next time you clean it out,
With your finger in the spout,
Stop and think of me.


amuse me said...

This is a first for me - I'll never look at my belly button in the same way, ever again!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

that was hilarious. I've never had that problem, though the spouse complains often (is it a guy-thing?).maybe you should begin a whole new blog on funny rhymes...I've loved every single one you've written

Natalie said...


Anonymous said...

:) but why only next time? :)

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud! :-)